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European customers show varying preferences in product delivery and offering a range of delivery options allows companies to respond to these different preferences, thus fostering customer satisfaction and loyalty. In this article, we take a closer look at the range of delivery options in Europe, so you can make the best decision when expanding or starting operations in the country.

Adapting to European e-commerce delivery demands

Europe stands out for its diverse markets, characterized by unique cultural attributes, language variations, and distinct consumer behaviors. Each European market comes with its own set of considerations and preferences.

Offering flexible and reliable delivery options sets online businesses apart from competitors and attracts more customers. It also reduces the likelihood of customers abandoning their carts during checkout due to unavailable methods. Although home delivery is the most popular delivery method in Europe, there are other details to consider within this, which we will explain in detail below.

What delivery methods do Europeans prefer for E-commerce?

By understanding the complexities of each market and aligning with the right courier partner, online companies can optimize their shipping operations and improve customer satisfaction levels across Europe.



Delivery options for your e-commerce in Europe

There are many different shipping options for package delivery in Europe. As we've mentioned, home delivery is positioned as the primary choice, but the usage of collection points in Europe emerged during the pandemic and is here to stay. There is a growing demand to continue exploring and facilitating this delivery method. But before providing you with more data, it's important that you take a look at the five most popular delivery methods in Europe.

  • Home delivery: Packages are delivered directly to the customer's address.
  • PickUp DropOff (PUDO) point: Packages can be collected or returned at specific locations, such as convenience stores, parcel shops, or depot/micro depots.
  • Scheduled deliveries: Customers choose a specific date and time for their delivery.
  • In-store pickup: Orders are picked up by customers from the retailer's physical store.This option can be convenient if you partner with a marketplace.
  • Automatic Parcel Machines (APM): Packages are delivered to secure lockers, accessible 24/7 for customer convenience.

We are witnessing a rise in out-of-home (OOH) delivery across Europe, including Automated Parcel Machines (APMs) and PickUp DropOff (PUDO) points. 

European Countries with the Most PUDOs points

According to Last Mile Experts, in 2023, there were a total of 120,390 APMs and more than 336,000 PUDO points registered. The main reason for this increase in parcel lockers and PUDO points is that more and more customers are understanding how the OOH model works.

Top e-commerce Delivery Methods in European Countries

Knowing the method that meets your customer's needs is essential because it not only meets their expectations but also encourages repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations. 

Here we list some of the most important countries in terms of e-commerce growth and more details about what each shopper prefers in those countries.


Country-Specific Delivery Methods in Europe for Your E-Commerce - DE

While OOH delivery is growing in many European countries, it is not the best option for all Germans shoppers, where there is a strong preference for home delivery. For Millennials and Boomers, traditional delivery models like doorstep delivery or parcel bags left in a secure place at their home are preferred. However, for the younger generation, such as Gen Z, home delivery is not preferred. They lean more towards flexible delivery options, such as PUDO points. Germany also boasts the largest network of PUDO points in Europe, with a total of 51,090 across the country.

When it comes to returns, 38% of German shoppers prefer taking their parcel to a PUDO point rather than having the goods collected from their home or office.


Country-Specific Delivery Methods in Europe for Your E-Commerce - ES

The delivery method is so important in Spain that 1 in 5 shoppers abandons their cart during checkout if their preferred delivery method is not available. 

The preferred delivery method for customers in Spain is home delivery, and for 59% of consumers, it is essential to actively track their deliveries. However, out-of-home (OOH) delivery increased by 94% in 2022, with a total of 29,241 OOH points across Spain. Correos stands out, not only as one of the most popular Spanish delivery companies but also as the carrier with the highest density of lockers.


Country-Specific Delivery Methods in Europe for Your E-Commerce - FR

Delivery options are vital for French consumers' shopping experience. Key reasons for cart abandonment in France include the absence of their preferred delivery provider and delays in estimated delivery times. 

In 2023, nearly eight out of ten French e-shoppers stated that the convenience of receiving their package at home is paramount. In second and third positions were the OOH services. Both APMs and PUDO points are categorized among the top three most preferred methods. Parcel delivery companies like La Poste and InPost are among the most popular in the country, offering the largest network of PUDOs and APMs across France. 

The Netherlands

Country-Specific Delivery Methods in Europe for Your E-Commerce - The Netherlands

As we mentioned earlier, in most European countries, home delivery is the preferred method, and The Netherlands is no exception. For 82% of online shoppers, the best delivery method is receiving their packages at home. Impressively, 99% of deliveries are successful. The reason is simple: the Dutch pre-select their delivery time and date. In a survey conducted by Seven Senders, 49% specified that they had used this option at least once for their last five orders.

For the Dutch, OOH options are not as much of a preference as in other countries. In the Netherlands, there are a total of 9,703 PUDO points and 1,897 APMs. Compared to countries like Spain, the number is quite low. In the Netherlands, the most popular courier companies are PostNL and DHL, with PostNL being the company with the most APMs in the country.

United Kingdom

Country-Specific Delivery Methods in Europe for Your E-Commerce - UK

Greater flexibility and choice in how and when they collect parcels is what British consumers seek when buying online. In a survey by Seven Senders, 90% of British consumers stated that home delivery is thier preferred method of delivery. One of the main reasons they prefer this delivery method is that British delivery companies offer the option of selecting a preferred delivery date/time, thus facilitating the delivery process

In the particular case of the UK, PickUp DropOff (PUDO) points are more popular than parcel lockers. Not only do consumers prefer this method for pickups, but British consumers also opt for PUDO points for returns. In the country, there are a total of 60,795 out-of-home points, with Royal Mail being the biggest OOH operator network with 11,500 points across the country.


Country-Specific Delivery Methods in Europe for Your E-Commerce - IT

For 72% of Italians, home delivery is their preferred way to receive packages. Unlike in the UK and The Netherlands, only 20% of Italian shoppers choose a delivery date/time. Taking these details into account, 62% of Italians consider it very important to receive information about package delays.

14% don't mind their parcels being delivered to a neighbor, and only 9% prefer their parcel to be delivered to a locker. The main reason lockers are not as popular in the country is not due to their absence; on the contrary, Italy has a total of 52,096 out-of-home (OOH) points. However, the lack of regulations from the consumer department makes shoppers distrust them. Additionally, according to Last Mile Experts' analysis, lockers are not as technologically advanced and intuitive.


Although home delivery is the most popular delivery method in Europe, other details must be considered. Because by understanding the complexities of each market and aligning with the right parcel delivery partner, online companies can optimize their shipping operations and improve customer satisfaction levels across Europe.

byrd's 3PL services can be especially beneficial in navigating these diverse delivery landscapes. Our services offer tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of each European market, ensuring efficient and reliable delivery services. Also, our extensive network with popular parcel delivery companies and advanced logistics capabilities make it easier for online businesses to provide the flexible and dependable delivery options that European consumers demand.