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Offering the right payment method will certainly help you generate more sales and popularity. It is also very important to know that not all payment methods are used in all countries. For either financial or security reasons some consumers choose to pay for their online purchases with different methods such as e-wallets or bank transfers. It is therefore essential that you know the market and the customer's needs according to their country of purchase. 

Why having different payment methods is essential for your e-commerce?

It is not only about satisfying your customers' needs but also about making the checkout process secure, simple and fast. It was shown that 9% of customers abandon their shopping cart if they don't have enough payment methods, 17% abandon it if the checkout process is too long or complicated. Also, 18% said that if the website does not generate confidence they abandon their purchase. So do the math and you will know that almost half of the customers take the payment method very seriously and that's why you should too.

By offering different payment methods on your website you offer:

  • Convenience to your customer and this is essential nowadays to build trust in your brand.
  • If a payment method does not work, for reasons external to you, the fact that your customer has option B, C, or even D to make their payment positions you as a professional e-commerce company.

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What Payments Methods are Available?

Previously, payment methods were cash, debit cards, credit cards, and checks, but as technology advances, so do digital payment methods. It is estimated that by 2025, 53% of all e-commerce spending will be done with digital and mobile wallets.

According to Oberlo's statistics, these are the options that most customers prefer when making a payment:

  1. Digital/Mobile Wallet 
  2. Credit Card/Charge Card
  3. Debit Card
  4. Bank transfer
  5. Buy now, pay later (BNPL)
  6. Cash on delivery
  7. Direct debit
  8. Prepay
  9. Other
  10. Prepaid card
  11. PostPay

What to Consider When Selecting the Right Payment Method for Your e-Commerce Business? 

It is important to carry out a market study of the country where the purchases are going to be generated. Here are a few points you might want to consider:

Data protection: the privacy of the information and data we share on the Internet is a point that is increasingly taken into account. It is very important that you choose a payment provider for your e-commerce that is regulated and does not store your customers' data.

Flexibility when refunding the money: it will happen that your client wants to make a refund and it is clearly important that the money can be refunded as quickly as possible. Check this policy before contracting any payment method.. 

Guest checkout: Not all people who visit your website want to be registered; especially because this requires a commitment and not always the customer is willing to do it. By offering a checkout for non-registered customers you make the process shorter and without commitments. 

Pricing: The customer is very important, but also your budget as a company. Carefully analyze what percentage of the transaction and possible extra costs you have to pay. These details can represent an important part of the total payment.

Most Popular Payment Methods in Europe

We know that each market in Europe has its own needs, so here we have a summary of the most popular payment methods:


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In 2021, Paypal (this includes digital wallets such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Klarna) became the most popular payment method in Germany. Paypal's popularity has also grown thanks to the services offered by the virtual wallet; the BNPL or 'Payment in 30 days' option has created a simple, secure and flexible alternative for online shopping for consumers.

Another very popular method in Germany is the Girocard. Around 95% of people between the ages of 16 and 69 make payments with them. In contrast to Visa and Mastercard credit and debit cards, where around 43 million people own one.

Germany is known for following a trend which we could categorize as traditional, after all, one of their favorite phrases is ''Geld stinkt nicht.'' This comes as no surprise to anyone, which is why 34% of online payments are made by bank transfer, using SEPA direct debit; something that is almost unheard of in other countries like the UK online retail marketplace.


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As you have already read, in Germany quite a lot of people prefer to pay with Paypal, while in Spain only 6% of customers would use it as their payment method. In 2022, 81% of consumers in the country made online purchases with a debit card (Mastercard and Visa), while 53% used credit cards. 

It was also reported that 59% use their digital wallets. It is expected that by 2023 these numbers will increase and more people will use digital wallets such as Apple Pay but also local options such as BBVA Wallet and CaixaBank Wallet.


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Following closely the pattern of Spain, online shoppers in Italy prefer to use their Visa or MasterCard credit, debit, or prepaid card. According to the survey, consumers between 15 and 24 years old are the most likely to make digital payments. In contrast, only 2% of consumers between 55 and 64 years reported a similar tendency.

They also have their local payment system, Bancomat Pay. An Italian mobile payment method used by more than 37 million Italians to make payments online. And slowly but surely, online payments from Paypal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay are growing.

United Kingdom

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We continue in the line of payment methods with Visa and Mastercard. In the UK 90% have between 2 to 3 cards and make their payments with them.

According to a study by UK Finance, in 2021, only one in eight people used Buy Now Pay Later, while direct deposit is used by nine out of ten UK consumers. Another study showed that 32% choose to pay with e-wallets and as technology advances, it is expected that the use of these apps will also grow and with it the BNPL options as well.


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The famous country also joins the online payment method with cards. 52% of its transactions are made with cards, however, 70% of cards in France are issued by local banks. For example, more than 65% of French people have a card issued by Groupement des Cartes Bancaires. In contrast to the UK, in France only 13% of people have Visa and 10% have Mastercard

Cards are certainly not the only method they use for their online purchases. 25% use e-wallets and 11% use bank transfers


After you have already studied the market where you are going to sell, it is essential that you start analyzing and tracking the performance of the payment methods you use for your customers. You should test and experiment with each of them to determine which one is more profitable, secure, and can be best for your e-commerce.

Let's say you start noticing that the Spanish market is starting to select PayPal as their payment method, don't hesitate for a second to add it to your website.